Thursday, September 27, 2012


The Boys can not get enough of Handy Manny & Little Bear cartoons.
They sit very quietly for as long as we let them watch the shows. They are both very sweet, wholesome programs. They now even say "like Handy Manny".


First Day of Pre-School
Our Little Boys are growing up.
And off they go...looking down the hallway to their class room.
 Cousins are all ready to LEARN & GROW
First Lunch Box Meal --- which they only ate a few bites.

Meet the Teacher

Meet the Teacher Night - Preschool
September 2012
Grandma and Grandpa Stoops got to go to school too.
 The cousins all get to go to school together
Boys trying the Nap Mats out --- they have done really well with them.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

2 yrs + 5 mns = fun times

Noah and Parker have had an amazing 90 days of summer.
They have had adventures after adventures.
Now Fall 2012 is here along with the start of the Troubling Two's!
Here is their latest:
Boys are talking like they know every word in the dictionary. It's amazing.
They both get the concept of routine too. They like to know what's next in the day.
Noah weights 30 lbs. + Parker 34 lbs. 
They started Preschool September 4th at First Baptist McKinney.
Counting to 5 and know parts of the ABC song.
Like to read books.
Parker climbed out of his bed about 2 weeks ago and has been in pack n play with tent ever since that day. We are getting big crib tent repaired.
Parker's favorite toy is a "real" tape measure. He is obsessed with them.
Noah doesn't have a specific toy - just anything technical or tools.
They both really enjoy "projects" and building stuff.
Into everything. Using stools and chairs to get an up close look and hands into everything.
Potty training has begin - all on its on. Parker is now going poo on the potty 50% of the time and Noah is just getting started but on his way. Pee on the potty is easy for them but we have to remind them alot.
They are both very active and thrive on doing and learning.
We still limit tv to only an hour a day. They have 2 programs they would love to watch all the time. Handy Manny and Little Bear. Mommy and Daddy like the stories too.
Noah is going 1x a week to physical therapy. "Exercise Class" He is doing really well and stays very focused while working with his PT Teacher. Goal is to strenghten his right leg and keep it from "toeing" inward.
Miss Ada is now coming MWF to stay with the boys.
They are having more conversations with each other on their own.
Alot more whinning the past few weeks too. We know its just a phase but its not a fun phase for any of us.