Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Years 2011

The Stoops Family is bringing in the New Year at home this year. The boys have their 1st big bad cold. Heartbreaking to see them so ill. We had a long day but in a selfish way it was so sweet to hold, rock and cuddle with them. Collin is now making homemade sushi dinner for us. He is a gem. 12 hours of caring for our sweet babies and he still wants to make a special dinner for us. I am the luckiest girl in the world.
May 2011 be a Rockin' year for you and your family. Dare to Dream! Life is Good!
God Bless.
Update as of January 4, 2011 - Boys had a very hard time with their colds. Have turned into chest infection and ear infections. Its been a very long week. Babies should not be allowed to every get sick. I can say almost a week later and 2 Dr visits they are showing some signs of improvements. I bet the coughs will be around for a few weeks. Thank you God for helping them heal and giving Collin and I the wisdom and tools be the best mommy and daddy for them.We love you boys.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Our First Christmas 2010

Christmas Day

Christmas Eve

Waiting for here almost here?



Saturday, December 18, 2010

8 Month Olds

Noah and Parker are now 8 months old as of December 19, 2010. Collin and I are in come complete awe of how they have grown and developed in just the past 6 weeks. They are no longer babies...they are little gentlemen.

Our first born, Noah, is so smart. He is fascinated by the little details. He studies things like he is trying to figure out how to it works or to take it apart. Noah loves to play peek-a-boo. He and daddy play it all the time. He loves to be thrilled. Noah has an incredible laugh. Most people met him and think he is so serious but he is funny. Its priceless. We started the boys on a car "walker" and within a day he had it moving all around the house. With all the goods there are a few oh no's...He decided to make it very difficult to change his diaper on the changing table...he totally flips over. He also yells when he is bored..."Someone entertain me". Ha-ha. He has started saying vowels. He says it, you say it and he repeats it. Quite clever. He weight about 18.5 lbs, long and lean.Wears 9 month clothing but no far from 12 month. 2 bottom teeth in. Eyes are a deep green.

And our sweetheart of a boy,Parker, is so joyful. He is sunshine. He is so cuddly and kind. Parker is sitting up for significant periods of time on his own. It allows him to see a whole new world. He loves it. He is also getting into the crawl position and rocking. Crawling is just around the corner for them both. Its great to witness his new discoveries. He has discovered his tongue and monster voice. Par Par sticks his tongue to the right side of his mouth. Its hysterical. He too now has mastered the roll over. He is rolling and rolling all over the place now. I can't believe we worried about him not rolling over at 6 months. I am guessing he will be the first to talk. Parker Nichlaus adores his brother. Always looking toward Noah to see what he is up too. He still has the most playful laugh - it will make you forget you are an adult. You just want to get down on his level and laugh with him. Parker is weighing in these days at 21 lbs, long but not so lean. Solid kiddo. Wears size 12 months easy. 2 bottom teeth in. Eyes are an icy blue (one of his best features).

The two of them together can get in double trouble. They love to head straight to the Christmas tree and pull on the branches. The boys are very aware of each other. Collin and I are excited when they play sweetly together. We let them roll around and "wrestle" with just diapers on ----it's priceless. The 2 of them are well on their way to a life time of being the coolest brothers!!! We are now feeding them 4 bottles a day (25 - 30 oz.) and solid 3 times a day. Chef Collin has taken the lead on making the boys homemade food. He purees sweet potatoes, squash, apples, pears, peas, and green beans. We finally helped them get back on track with sleep. Our vacation was wonderful but they developed some poor sleeping habits. They now go to bed at 7:30pm and are up between 5:45 and 6:45am. (we love those 6:45am - keep it up boys) We did have to "Ferberize" them. Also know as the cry it out method. Thank goodness they are quick learners. It only took 2 nights. No more bottles at night. Amen. We are thrilled. Teething issues 1 or 2 a week but we can handle that compared too the night feedings.

Its Christmas time. Their 1st Christmas. I am sure they will love the wrapping paper. Grandma & Gramps Stoops and Uncle Chris will all arrive Christmas Eve day.

Happy 8 months Noah and Parker. We LOVE you!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Sweet Christmas Babies!

What I can't eat christmas cookies this year?

What do you think Noah was thinking here? Submit your tag line to!

Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Our Little Turkeys

Gooble, Gooble, Gooble!
We had an 18 and 21 Turkey this year!
Noah and Parker loved our annual trip to the texas coast.
We have alot more photos to share after the holidays. Visit us in the New Year.
May all your holidays wishes come true.
Love The Stoops plus 2