Saturday, June 25, 2011

We love you Daddy

Happy Father's Day Daddy

Learning to putt with Daddy.

Noah got to use Daddy's hair gel.

Daddy, Parker and Baba.

We love you Daddy! Day of Swimming.

I wanted to take this time to tell you about your amazing Daddy. He is a true gentleman. I fell in love with him truly from the first moment I saw him. We went on our first date April 21, 2005. (we brought you home from the hospital exactly 5 years to the day)He is so interesting. Your daddy has some pretty cool talents. He has played golf since he was 6 years old and was able to take that passion and turn it into career. He started by earning 2 golf scholarships - first to Texas A&M then Texas Tech. After college he turned professional. Turning to a professional golfer allowed him to travel the world. (more info to be typed)

Friday, June 17, 2011


Sofa has become the latest and greatest toy.


Summer time is here and you both love it. The days are filled with early morning walks, playing in your sand box, swimming in your elephant pool and hanging out in mommy and daddy's bedroom before bed time.

New and exciting things you are doing:

You are both now feeding yourself 90% of your food. You use your fingers but are trying to master your little spoons. You are learning very fast. Daddy and I just have to laugh at the big mess. Mocha (doggie) loves it. Meatballs were a favorite messy food of yours. You might be "Fruitarians". You LOVE all type of fruit. Melons, strawberries and bananas are your favorite but you try them all. We have dropped the 3pm bottle and you don't seem to miss it. You take 3 bottles (18 oz of milk) and sippy cup when ever you need a drink. You eat all the time - bottle,breakfast, snack, bottle, lunch, snack, snack, dinner and bedtime bottle. The little snacks seem to keep you guys happy. Sleeping very good. 2 naps (10-11:15 & 2:30-4) and 11- 11.5 hours at night. We have a feeling naps are going to both push back a little but don't think you are ready for 1 nap a day quite yet. Talking (babbling) up a storm. Pointing then yelling to see or touch something. The moment you wake up til the sun goes down is "talk, talk, talk". Sooo funny.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Happy Birthday Grandmama

Go for the big frosting roses kids!


Grandmama is very happy "everyone" has frosting!

Pool Time - Boys love to swim.

June 14, 2011 - Flag Day - Grandmama's Birthday

Friday, June 10, 2011


Noah you got the 1st BIG MOLAR and boy oh boy has it been a bugger for you. You have not been a happy camper past few days. More crying in 3 days than in past 3 months, fever, a trip to the DR just in case it was something else, not wanting to eat and wanting to be held non-stop (we kind of like the cuddling part). We are praying God takes away any and all your pain, love bug. Your fever is gone and you are more settled but then you developed a rash on your tummy, back and face. It last 2.5 days then puff gone! DR said it was all part of a virus and no reason to worry. Parker you never got it --- nice blessing. We are so glad you see you happy and smiling Noah Fisher.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

G + G Stoops visit

Check Spelling

G + G Stoops are here!

Your new elephant swimming pool.

Your own private sandy beach.

Hair cuts...Handsome!

It was a great 3 days having Grandma and Grandpa Stoops visit. You loved every minute with them. You showed them how well you are walking, starting to crawl and babbling. You played in the sand box and your new elephant pool with them. Grandpa took you on a nice nature walk - you even came home with a leaf in your hand and rose petals under your feet. Grandma got to feed you your very first scoop (2 scoopfuls) of Ben & Jerry's vanilla ice cream. She said you really enjoyed it. And she also gave you both your 2nd hair cuts.Mommy and Daddy even got a date afternoon on Lake Lewisville. On Friday you got the best gift ever....ALL of your Grandparents in one room. We had burgers on the grill after a round of golf at Westridge Golf course. Great day. You are taking a big nap now - so much fun. We love you!!! You two are so cool, smart and beautiful. Love you babies.