Saturday, January 21, 2012

21 months old


So many changes were do I begin:

  • Talkers. Yes, they both have kicked up the chatting. They talk more about each other than to each other these days but I expect that will change soon. If you ask them to say a word they give it a good try. It is so cute to hear how it translates out of 21 month old toddler. Parker will say words over and over and over...and loves to say words that make you laugh. i.e."Clooney" Noah's favorite go to response word is "no" yet when you ask him again a wonderful little word will come out. Parker is a morning chatter and Noah more in the evening. Words: umbrella, golf, golf clubs, all types of animals, everyone's name in the family, tape measure, hammer, saw, melt (aka snowman), Baba, car, basic foods (banana, yogurt,snack bar,juice, aqua, up, down, lock, unlock, toothbrush, bye-bye, bagpipe, the man, Home Depot, Hot, Burrr, Aloha, button, zip)

  • Physically fit and active. Noah is our climber. He likes climbing trees, at the playground, up, up, up...once he is up then he calls for "help" from mommy or daddy. Noah also has the cutest little dance he does on one foot. The boys both love to be outside playing. They both love the sand box, playing with rocks, sticks and leaves and discovering things they really should not be playing with at this age. Parker is all in - he totally gets into what he is doing which usually means he gets dirty. Reminds me of Collin. It's a great trait to pick up from him Daddy. They are in no way afraid of hard work or getting dirty. The lakehouse is a blast for them. They are free to explore and play. We have also been visiting lots of playgrounds.

  • Quiet times. Boys really enjoy picture books at this age. They study the photos over and over saying what it is to us. We also have been reading a series called " Goodnight". The like Goodnight Lake & Beach. Book about Thomas and Toby the Train and one called Goodnight Gorilla. They love the idea of twisting the key to open the doors on the cages. We had a wonderful last week. Each night the 4 of us crawled up into our bed and watch Charlettes's Web the movie. They sat there quietly for a good 25-30 minutes with us. Nap time is now 12pm - 2-2:30pm. Night Night is usually 7:30pm -6:45am. Parker is always the first up in the morning.

  • Food. Great eaters. They eat just about anything. Parker could be a Fruitopian (eat just fruit). He can't get enough of it - I usually have to cut him off. Noah is a hoot. He is like a squirrel. He puts in tons of food then chews it up. Oatmeal, fig newtons and are new favorite. Yes - we are still on bottles. 2 a day. 16 oz. of Whole Milk. They cherish their bot bot time. Noah more than Parker. We will wean the morning bottle this spring and then the bedtime bottle alittle later. Dr. Sackrison said "it's not hurting them and their teeth look good." (we have been brushing now every night after bottles - thanks Collin for taking on that teaching lesson)

Little Fishes

"Do we have the swim diapers?" Ha-Ha.

1 big fish and 2 little fish

Exciting day for mommy - getting to share something she loved as a child.

Let's go Mommy & Daddy.

(as you see Noah is learning to UNlock the screen doors)

Moments before class. They were checking out the big pool.

Sorry guys no slide till you are 48" tall.

Our little men LOVE the water. They had big smiles the whole time at their 1st of 4 swim classes. They did super. Collin and I are very proud. Noah did so good at blowing bubbles under the water and Parker floated on his back like a pro surfer. Parker is also a wild one in the water – was trying his “butt drop” on the side of the pool and to bounce into the water that way vs. feet first. This was their first time ever in a class setting with a teacher. Overall – great. I see a lot of independence in them already. We had to teach them when the teacher is talking, we have to listen. After class they were whipped – we were lucky to get them home and feed them lunch before they were asking to take a nap.


Thursday, January 5, 2012

Happy 2012

New Years Eve??? What's that?

Ohhhh...Fireworks and Campfire! We love New Year's Eve!

Happy 2012. May all your days be blessed with good healthy, laughter and true love.

The 3 Musketeer's

We love our overalls with pockets Grandma & Grandpa Stoops.

Ohhh he is going to get the best of me with this look.

We climb all the way to the top now.

If we could all ENJOY life this much everyday - it would be Heaven on Earth.

Happy New Years 2012 America

Playing in the leaves with Grandmama & Mommy.

Merry Christmas 2011

More photos to be added soon....