Saturday, July 31, 2010

Sweet Summertime

We sure have had an exciting 1st summer ever.

We went to Uncle Steve's Birthday Party

Our friends Tyler, Austin, Aunt Shelly and Chris Prince came over for a Pizza Party.

I got to go swimming at Grandmama and Grand Pa Pair's.

I love swimming too with mommy and daddy.

The Barrett's came all the way from Houston, Texas to see us! Are we famous?
Thats Mommy and her bff from SFA college days, Deanna! Aunt D.

We are kinda sitting up now too - with the help of our Bumbo chairs.
Here we are with Ally, Stevie Dee, Auntie Erin and Mommy.

Hangin out in our Pack and Play. 2 peas in a pod!

Boys night with Unlce Steve!

THE END....see you soon.


We are letting mommy and daddy sleep through the night!!!!

The boys are settling into a new wonderful schedule. They are now eating around 730 to 8pm then going to sleep in their cribs. (without crying - we are so grateful) They will waking up between 3-5am then back to sleep for another 3-4 hours. It has changed life around here.

Collin and I are not zombies anymore.

Latest and Greatest:

Noah is our music man. He LOVES music. He lights up when Collin plays guitar for him. Its so cool. We are guessing he is about 12 to 13lbs. He grabs things and puts them straight to his mouth. Noah also has discovered BOOKS! He is really enjoying the pictures.

Parker has physically developed alot these days. He is probably 15 pounds. Solid.
He loves to kick his legs - they are so strong. Par Par (nickname) is our silly little man. He loves to laugh and smile when playing with daddy and mommy. Its the best!

Morning are pure sunshine. You walk into their room to get them for the 7-8am feeding and they HAPPY! Biggest smiles of the day. It melts our hearts. All the hard work has paid off BIG TIME!

We are sooooo in love with these beautiful gifts from GOD.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Happy 3 Months Noah and Parker

Today marks Parker and Noah officially turning 3 months old. No more counting their age by weeks any more, they have graduated.
This has been the most incredible, exciting, scary, silly, overwhelming, stressful, loving, happy, fun and amazing THREE months of our lives. It's a non-stop adventure but an adventure we would not trade for anything. It's an honor to be the parents of these little babies. They are gifts from God. They are so perfect!
We have gone from syringe feedings every 2 hrs to 5oz bottles ever 3-4 hrs, itty bity preemie clothes to size 3-6 months, the tiniest diapers to pampers 1's, no sleeping schedules to just as of this week sleeping from 9pm til the 4:30am "thru the night" according to the books, just laying there to holding rattles, and the best crying to communicate to SMILES all the time now.
Let me tell you about out little guys:
Noah, first born, now weights at least 12 lbs, has green eyes, brunette and the longest eye lashes. He has the strongest grip. Noah is very laid back, wants to be included - social, slow and steady eater, gentle, loves to cuddle, has eyes that can just melt your heart, music and mommy are his 2 favorite things.
Parker is the cutest little boy. He is at least 13lbs, has chunky baby rolls (nickname Chompers for a reason), red hair and crystal blue eyes. He has the best smile and laugh. Parker is either ON or sleeping. He lets you know what and when he needs you or something. We think he is so easy going - he can hang out and play by himself for a good amount of time.
They together are great. We think they are aware of each other but they don't interact with each other just yet...they will one day. They sleep in same room but their own crib. They are still on same eating, laying and sleep schedules. We have been incredibly fortunate.
Happy 3 Month Noah and Parker
We love you with all our heart! Thank you for teaching us more than you will ever know!
Love Mommy and Daddy

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Monday, July 5, 2010


Let the Fireworks begin...Noah and Parker watched their very first firework show. The show was put on by Daddy and Grand Pa Pair. The boys and us ladies watched from a safe distance up on the house deck. The show was great however the boys fell asleep during it. They were not scared by the big booms. They are ready to go hunting Uncle Steve.

As you can see from these 2 photos the boys have grown. Parker is a bit bigger. His legs are about 2" longer. They are just the cutest!

Grandmama and Mommy with THE BOYS on the new Lakehouse boat deck. They love being outside when the Texas weather is nice.

Grandma Stoops with her grandsons hanging out on the patio. The boys love being outside.

Grandma and Gramps came to play for 5 days at the end of June. It was a super visit.

Noah and his new smile. It lights up the room. Can't you just hear the mini giggle that comes with the smile?

Parker and his adorable smile. He had a Dr. appt and it was all great news so he (and the family) were thrilled.

Daddy and his big boys July 5th after our trip to the lakehouse for July 4th Weekend.
The boys are both weigh over 11 pounds each.

Daddy and his boys in their room.

Our New Wheels...the Citymini. We are ready Mommy - where are we going?

Check back for more Life in the Twin Lane.