Sunday, February 19, 2012

Little Swimmers

Noah and Parker officially graduated from their 1st swim class. It was 4 Saturday's this winter. They learned how to blow bubbles, climb out of the pool (elbow,elbow, tummy, knee, knee), jump safely into the water to mommy & daddy, lay on their backs - with ears in water, kick, alittle bit of hand paddling ( Teacher said they are still alittle young for this task) and enjoy the water.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My Valentine's

Will you be mine Valentine?

I love you more than the beach, sunshine and chocolate chip cookies all put together. You 2 little men have stolen my heart. I knew I would love you but I never imagined a love like this LOVE. There are no words to describe it.

I remember asking Grandmama years ago how do you love more than one child at a time? She said, "its like growing another heart." I didn't understand it at the time but I totally do now. You both have my whole heart"s".

Happy Valentine's Day my sweetie pies. I hope today is filled with nothing but Joy & Love for you. Your Daddy & I thank God every moment for you!


Sunday, February 5, 2012