October 19, 2011
Noah and Parker officially became Toddlers according to all the "books".
The top 20 list:
- Boys both have over 14 teeth
- They can both run and run fast.
- Their favorite word has to be "Hello" which to them can mean a few things happen when either they or we say it...means "Hi" or "I want your attention" or "chase me - I want to play hide & seek with you".
- Can eat with a fork and spoon if provided with one.
- Saying " Stevie Dee" . Their favorite cousin's name.
- Laugh when we try and discipline them.
- Give big hugs and kisses to us and each other.
- Tease Mocha.
- Love Elmo and Buzz Lightyear. Enjoys watching Sesame Street and all the Toy Story Movies.
- Tractor - say the word and their faces light up. They love the lake house and all the fun things there are to do there like running on the tractor with Pa Pair and Grandmama.
- Dogs & Cats - no they don't fight like them. They like them. Grandpa Stoops bring his lab in training to visit and they just go crazy for her (Frenchy).
- Foodies just like their Daddy. They really enjoy fruit, veggies, snacks and meat. They are not picky. Boys love 3 square meals a day and 2 snacks. We are still giving them a bottle in the morning and one before bedtime. 16 oz. of whole milk. Doctor said its fine up until 2 yrs old. We hope they grown out of it vs. having to be weaned of them.
- Love their Nanny Ada. She is here at the house with them M-F. She has done a brilliant job with them.
- Noah and Parker enjoy doing just about anything. Sandbox, playing ball, reading books, climbing everything, visiting with family, adventures to stores, watching Dad cook and Mom bake and playing at the playground.
- The "poo" talk has started. We are just now introducing "little potty's" to them.
- Parker is still very attached to his stuffed lamb "Baba". He is a kind hearted little man. Its so sweet when Parker is handed something - 90% of the time he ask "one for Noah too?". He gives lots of hugs and kisses freely to us and his stuffed animals. He is very strong and now knows he is bigger than Noah. He sometimes throws his weight around to get his way. He is 27 lbs and almost 1.5" taller than Noah. Parker also has what I call his "being a pistol" side. He can push and fuss - okay throw a fit when he is not having it. Parker listens very well but when he doesn't want too - ugh it can be a struggle especially since he is so strong now.
- Noah is a wonderful mix.
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