Sunday, August 7, 2011

Naptime First

Its Sunday about 3pm --- NAPTIME--- suppose to be at least. You 2 continue to make Daddy and I laugh so much. We hear you chatting away so I peeked on the monitor and what do we see a naked baby and a big brown teddy bear flying from one crib to the other. Noah you are the nakie one. You have master how to get out of the sleepy sack and then remove your diaper. Today was the first time ever we intervened in your naptime to put back on the diaper, then pj bottoms then the sleep sack. Parker your new best friend "big bear" is back safe in your crib and you are fast asleep. Noah you are still wiggling around with a few moments of chatting. You too are so funny. We love you so much. You are almost 16 months old and soooo much fun. XOXOX.

PS Noah you bugger you are out of the sleep sack again and have the pj pants around your ankles...they are off. I'm guessing the diaper is next. yep...its off. You have mastered it. Off two times in 30 minutes. If you could talk I'm guessing you would say "Look at me - I'm Nakie!!!!!!"

PSS Its a day later and Noah you now have your own ARK. You have a tent over your bed. You decided yesterday was not enough climbing --- your am nap you decided to crawl out 5 times. TENT FOR NOAH.

1 comment:

  1. hahah this is funny. Mason has been pulling his pants off and removing his diaper for the past month and its driving me bonkers! Matthew used to do this when he was much older than Mason and we used a strip of duct tape over the tabs of his diaper to keep it on. Worked like a charm. We have no started having to do this with Mason. We also tried those new Huggies Pull Up diapers and he tries to get them off but hasn't figured it out yet. Mason just loves being naked! We don't mind until he pees AND poops on teh floor...this has happened MANY times... ;)
