Thursday, July 21, 2011


July 19th you turned 15 months old. You 2 have changed so much in the past few weeks. Its amazing. You are so smart. You just amaze Daddy and I everyday.

Parker you are speaking Spanish. Noah you do alittle too but your younger brother is excelling in this area.

You only take 2 bottles now. One at night and one at bedtime.

Noah is you in to the "how does this work?" mode. You get up close and personal to the details.

You are both back to enjoying books. If Daddy and I ask you to point to something - you do. So cool.

You are sleeping super-duper. 2 naps. 10am-11:30am and 2:15-4pm. Night bed at 7:30pm til 6:45 but not ready for us to get you til 7am.

You give hugs and kisses all the time and without us asking.

You are saying each other's name. And you say "brother"

Laugh alot. Best sound.

You light up and dance when we turn on Van Halen old school music.

Learning to share but its a daily lesson. Noah you are going to struggle with this more than Parker but we have faith in you.

Enjoy swinging you plastic golf clubs Daddy got you.

LOVE to swim.

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