Friday, June 17, 2011


Sofa has become the latest and greatest toy.


Summer time is here and you both love it. The days are filled with early morning walks, playing in your sand box, swimming in your elephant pool and hanging out in mommy and daddy's bedroom before bed time.

New and exciting things you are doing:

You are both now feeding yourself 90% of your food. You use your fingers but are trying to master your little spoons. You are learning very fast. Daddy and I just have to laugh at the big mess. Mocha (doggie) loves it. Meatballs were a favorite messy food of yours. You might be "Fruitarians". You LOVE all type of fruit. Melons, strawberries and bananas are your favorite but you try them all. We have dropped the 3pm bottle and you don't seem to miss it. You take 3 bottles (18 oz of milk) and sippy cup when ever you need a drink. You eat all the time - bottle,breakfast, snack, bottle, lunch, snack, snack, dinner and bedtime bottle. The little snacks seem to keep you guys happy. Sleeping very good. 2 naps (10-11:15 & 2:30-4) and 11- 11.5 hours at night. We have a feeling naps are going to both push back a little but don't think you are ready for 1 nap a day quite yet. Talking (babbling) up a storm. Pointing then yelling to see or touch something. The moment you wake up til the sun goes down is "talk, talk, talk". Sooo funny.

1 comment:

  1. Mason has been napping from 10-12am and 2:30-4:30 for so long. Last week though he didn't want any part of an afternoon nap. He just walked around his crib, cried a little, played...but no sleep. All week! So yesterday I decided he must be ready for just one nap. I couldn't remember when Matthew switched over but thought I'd give it a try. (unfortunately! I love that morning nap! its when I get to shower!) So yesterday we skipped the morning nap and moved up the afternoon nap. He barely made it to 1pm but did and slept from 1-3:30ish. Today was a totally different story. He was so cranky and tired that I had to give it at 11 and put him to bed. I woke him up at 12 hoping he'd go back down around his usual time when Matthew does. Having them nap at the same time is my only goal!!!! I need those couple of hours!
