Noah and Parker you two are incredible. It's amazing all the things you are doing today. Its a long list - so here we go:
*Both of you are walking, its your first choice. Crawling is for babies. You still fall but you are walking 90% of the time.
*If Daddy or I ask you to hold our hand and walk - you do. It's sooo cute.
*Noah you have mastered crawling up on ottomans and bench seats and Parker you are almost there.
*You wave bye-bye, clap alot ( Parker you do it - to show your level of happiness) and almost blow kisses. You give Daddy "high 5".
*If we ask you boys to sit - you will - sometimes you stand back up but it has been a big help that you will do as we ask now.
*One of your favorite times is to watch the bunnies in the back yard. You both say "Bunny".
*Open and close drawers without pinching your fingers all the time.
*Parker you have totally found your "security" item. Its a sweet white lamb. You call her "Ba". In fact, you use the word "Ba" for almost everything.
* You 2 both started pointing at things this week. Awesome.
* We take walks and I teach you about trees. I hand you both a leaf from the tree and you both just light up. We are so thrilled you love nature so much.
*We took you to the lakehouse a few weekends ago and you loved the tractor. Grandmama took you all over the property and you still wanted to keep going and going....
*Drink whole milk - about 18 to 20 oz a day.
*You both enjoy watching Elmo's World video and Baby Einstein. We do this about 30 minutes before bedtime. It really helps you relax.
*8 teeth.
*You are into learning body parts. Ears, eyes, nose, mouth and belly button are the favorites.
*Noah you have become a funny, silly little man. You love to laugh and make us laugh. You adore playing hide and seek. You give "grab you around the neck" hugs. A new nickname is "Frankenstein".
*Parker you have this super way of savoring a moment. You don't just dive into it - you look, touch then dive. You are very giving. You offer things of yours to others. We call you "Sunshine".
Your Daddy and I are both so proud of you. You bring us so much joy. We just love you more and more everyday. You make us smile a 100 times a day. You are such good little boys. Thank you, my loves.
So sweet! I just love hearing about them!