Noah Fisher and Parker Nicklaus are 6 months old today.
We are so proud of them. They are amazing boys. Its amazing of the changes just within 1 month. We have little men now.
Parker has 2 teeth buds popping through and never complains. Just lots of drool.Watch out for the the cutest and loudest giggles and laughs all the time.Parker squeals in delight morning, noon and night even. A good part of the day you can find him in his favorite spot...his Jumparoo. He even has a special dance when he is in it. He is wearing 9 month clothing.
Reaching for everything...our faces, toys and even his toes. Drink at least 32 oz of formula eating 2x a day oatmeal with homemade pureed veggies. We think he will go from lying on his back to walking - his legs are so strong. He just doesn't feel the need to do the full roll over.
Parker has the BIGGEST SMILE EVER. Pure Sunshine. He is almost sleeping thru the night but Parker is a light sleeper. He has a harder time soothing himself back to sleep if he wakes during the night. Par Par as we call him is sweet, patient, loving, cuddly, silly, ticklish, focused on what is in front of him, plays by himself quietly and is happy 98% of everyday. We admire how he just loves every moment and embraces each moment to the fullest.
He weighs 18 lbs. 10 oz and 26 inches. WE LOVE YOU PAR PAR!
Noah has 1 tooth bud popping out and teething like crazy. He on the other hand tells you he is not feeling well. He has mastered rolling over backwards and forward. Only took a week to learn it. Loves it. Will drink 29 to 32 oz of formula and eating 2x a day oatmeal mixed with homemade pureed veggies. Daddy is a good chef.Noah still studies everything around him, he is just taking it all in. He gives great big grins but on his own terms. When he does watch out - it will steal your heart. Loves "kisses and hugs" game and flying in Daddy's arms. He weighs 17 lbs. and 27 inches. Also wearing size 9 months as well but slender at the waist. Noah has been quieter this month but we think because he is just mapping out all his surroundings. Interested in watching us and others as we walk, eat and talk. Reaching, reaching and more reaching. Noah is social, gentle, daredevil - not afraid of anything, curious, smart and a sweetheart!
Mommy and Daddy are so happy. These little men are pure joy. Alot of work (thanks mom and dad for all your hard work raising Collin and I - we get it now) but so all worth it. It is an honor to be their parents. I heard a song that summed it up. Life is not about breathing its is about "the moments that take your breathe away". Noah and Parker we are breathless! We love you. God Bless you sweet little men of ours.
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