Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Togetherness, Tents and Twins

Dad had a dream over 7 years ago when he bought this 12 men it and they will come...GRANDKIDS. Well as you will see Dad's dream became reality on his birthday this year. September 3, 2010 - Labor Day weekend at the Lakehouse

Daisy, niece sweetheart Stevie Dee, Parker, Noah and Collin

I love it Grand Pa Pair

Happy Grandparents


Noah chilling out

Noah chilling out

Parker chilling out

Princess Stevie Dee

Happy Birthday David
Homemade Arkansas Blueberry Pie

Stoops going for an evening walk

Collin entertaining the kiddos

Rocking with the boys

2 minutes of quiet

Hang out on the new dock

Who wants lunch? Dad's new boat grill.

yummie - sounds good

We traveled to the Lake House for Grand Pa Pair's Birthday and Labor Day week. It was a treat. The temperatures were in the 70-80's for most of the trip. Noah and Parker LOVE and I mean love being outside. They smiled and cooed the whole time. They watched the trees blow in the wind and the water reflections on the boat dock. It was a joy to watch them truly enjoy a place Collin and I cherish. (and had our first introductions at too)
The whole gang had an incredible weekend.
Mini update on the boys:
Teething and drooling alot, getting rice cereal at dinner, giggles, very alert, really likes their nanny Ada, turns 5 months old on September 19, enjoys having books read to them, both sitting up really well in Bumbo chairs, wearing size 6 month clothing and really healthy.
Best babies!!!!!

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