Monday, June 7, 2010

Day at the Pool with Family

Chillin Out by the Pool

Stevie Dee loving the pool!

Our first day at the Pool. Memorial Day Weekend 2010. It was a very special day. Grandma and Grandpa Stoops were in town too - so we had a big pool party. Grandma and Grandpa Hickman, Uncle Steve, Auntie Erin, cousin Stevie Dee, mommy and daddy. (even doggie Dwayne was here from AR too) Food was fantastic. Dad made his famous RIBS. Noah and Parker both loved the day at the pool.

The visit with The Stoops was alot of fun too. Lots had changed since the last time they were here in April. Here are some cute snap shots.

Grandpa Stoops with Noah Fisher

Grandma Stoops with Parker Nicklaus

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